The History of Ponteland Park
Ponteland Park is the largest and most well used Green Space in Ponteland Parish. Development of the Park began in 1958 when Ponteland Parish Council decided to use land by the river as a public space in preference to formal playing fields. Land owned by the Darras Hall Trustees was gifted to the parish and further acres were purchased, belonging to a café and smallholding adjoining the West Road. Further pieces of land were added over the years, the final section between the river and Fox Covert Lane being added in 1994 and created as a nature reserve by the Environment Agency. The Park is now owned and managed by Ponteland Town Council.
The final extent of the park is 18 acres, running in a linear fashion on both banks of the River Pont. It is made up of areas of woodland, open grassland and riverside paths. Parts of the Park near to the centre of Ponteland have some formal features, moving to more wild and natural areas upriver where the park adjoins farmland.