Ponteland Park is Open
The park is open, but please keep your dog on a lead and don't leave any rubbish behind.About The Friends
Ponteland Park has an active group of volunteers, the Friends of Ponteland Park, formed in 2005 to assist with improvement of this popular space. Since that time the Friends have raised funding for benches throughout the park, signage, the creation of a wildflower meadow and the building of a boardwalk and dipping platform at the oxbow lake. Residents of all ages have joined in events organized by the Friends including meadow planting and the making of a new area of woodland, the Young People’s Wood. Daffodil, snowdrop and crocus bulbs have been planted to enhance the park in spring and many bird and bat boxes have been provided to encourage wildlife.
The Friends of Ponteland Park now have 240 members. The park is a popular venue for local events, hosting Party in the Park, Ponteland’s annual summer fair, Music in the Park and the local Duck Race. It is visited by ever increasing numbers of walkers, runners, nature lovers and residents exercising their dogs.